Bienvenue à la Maternelle! Welcome to Kindergarten French. This is a very exciting year for both the students and the parents as it is the beginning of a journey. Kindergarten French offers a chance for experiential learning that helps develop children’s literacy, math, creativity, physical and social-emotional skills in both French and English.
Kindergarten is an exciting year full of firsts: first day of “big” kid school, first time in school routines, and first time as a member of the classroom community! In Kindergarten, students engage in the academics of literacy and numeracy, as well as science, socials, physical education, music, amongst others. The most important skill learnt, however, is how to be a good classroom citizen and a good friend. We are excited to welcome your child into our Fatima community.
In Grade 1 French, children embark on a journey of self-discovery, where they begin to understand their unique talents and preferences. Grade 1 marks a crucial and exciting milestone in a child’s life, as it’s their initial step into the structured world of schooling. In this foundational year, young learners begin to develop essential skills such as reading, writing, and basic mathematics. Students will gain fundamental French language skills to form simple sentences and engage in conversations. The curriculum is designed to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable, often incorporating games, songs, and interactive activities to foster a love for the language. The Christian Education curriculum offers opportunities for students to develop social and interpersonal skills rooted in Catholic values. Grade 1 science aims to cultivate curiosity and a deep appreciation for the world around them, encouraging students to ask questions and explore their environment. In social science, children begin to explore basic concepts related to the community and their roles within it.
Grade one is where students begin to see themselves as learners, readers and writers and the growth they make in this academic year is amazing! Through a strong foundational early literacy program that incorporates phonemic awareness skills plus a solid phonics program children flourish in their ability to read and write. Children in grade 1 are provided with many different opportunities to build on their numeracy skills as well. Our science and social studies curriculum leads them to a greater understanding of themselves and their world. Most importantly they build strong social/interpersonal skills through our Christian Education and Fatima Five program where they learn the importance of friendship and other life long skills.
Grade 2 is an immense year of growth, both spiritually and academically. Students prepare for and receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. In opening their hearts and minds to the graces bestowed upon them by Christ, students become more responsible in their own Faith journey.
Academically, students on the French Immersion side engage in the literacy curriculum, become stronger writers and readers, and have the strategies in place to juggle two languages in grade 3. In mathematics, students solidify their understanding of addition and subtraction, while partaking in many other mathematical concepts such as geometry, finance, and graphing. Students learn about community, culture, and leadership surrounding them. They engage in an introduction to forces, learn about water cycles, and about animals and their habitats.
Most importantly, students learn to become better friends and to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Welcome to grade 2 French, Bienvenue a la 2eme annee!
Grade Two is an exciting year for students as they fully embrace and enjoy their learning experience. They continue to build strong foundations in literacy and numeracy and both their confidence and independence grow as they see themselves as capable learners. Grade Two is a year where reading begins to flourish and becomes even more enjoyable as more choices are available in what they can read. As writers, students learn to articulate their thoughts and are introduced to a variety of writing styles. They will begin to challenge themselves and develop creative and critical thinking skills through STEM activities, experiments and math mysteries. Students continue to build and navigate friendships and are encouraged to problem solve and to communicate their thinking in different ways. We work towards active and engaged participation in class, where each student feels that their opinion counts.
Grade Two is also a very special year of spiritual growth and understanding, as students prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. It is a beautiful experience for the children to encounter God’s mercy and forgiveness and to receive Jesus for the first time. It is a true blessing to guide them and prepare them along the way. Overall, Grade Two promises to be a year filled with opportunities for students to build their confidence, discover new interests, begin to advocate for themselves and experience continued success in their learning journey.
Bienvenue en 3e année ! En 3e, on prend le temps de maîtriser les connaissances de base en mathématiques, en lecture, en écriture et du français oral, ainsi que les prières et les croyances principales de l’Église, entre autres.
Grade 3 is a year to master the basics: we spend lots of time practicing counting, addition and subtraction facts, French phonics, vocabulary and reading comprehension, writing skills, the prayers and creed of the Church, and much more, so that students can develop automaticity and build a strong foundation for the intermediate years ahead. Third graders are becoming “big kids,” so they are provided with lots of opportunities to develop their growing autonomy and independent work skills, as well as collaborative group work. English Language Arts are also introduced this year.
Grade 3 is a wonderful year in which the students continue to build on the foundations of literacy and numeracy. They become more independent and fluent readers and writers. Much time is dedicated to reading many short stories, legends, and novels. Students also learn strategies that can be applied towards their written compositions. The writing traits which are a focus in Grade 3 include ideas, organization, word choice, and voice. Third grade is also the year in which the students will master basic numeracy skills such as addition and subtraction and are also introduced to both multiplication and division. The students are also provided with many interesting and hands-on activities related to both the Science and Social Studies curriculum. They will have the opportunity to perform experiments and will also learn about the way of life and important contributions of the Indigenous People in Canada. Much time is also spent on providing the opportunity for the students to grow more in their faith. Daily prayer, reading about the life of Jesus, attending Mass, learning about the rosary, composing personal prayers, and attending school paraliturgies are just a few of the ways that the students can develop and deepen their relationship with our loving God. Throughout the year, the students will also have opportunities to build upon their interpersonal / social skills. Class meetings, the Fatima Five program, and the “ I’m a Gift From God” program are a few of the ways in which the students can learn these very important life long skills.
Bienvenue en 4ème année de français. Dans cette classe, nous sommes une grande famille ou une image de soi-même se révèle par le choix du message et la manière dont il est communiqué. The expectations of this year are much higher than the previous primary grades. This year, the students will become independent by learning to organize, solve problems inside and outside of the classroom, manage homework, be role models to the younger students in the school, be respectful and kind. They will read four novels; two in French and two in English where they will develop improved writing and comprehension skills. They will also be involved in class skits and plays to develop better oral skills where they can develop communication skills, more confidence, and better peer relationships. The students will also be introduced on the importance of online safety and learn all about ¨google classroom¨ where they will complete assignments online by creating google documents and slides. They will develop style in the use of language, present and share their knowledge in many fun and educational activities in Science and Social Studies. Lastly, the students will also develop critical thinking skills where they can learn to become curious, independent learners and enjoy lifelong learning skills.
Grade 4 is an exciting year where the students have just begun their journey into the intermediate grades. The responsibilities and expectations of this year are a little more than previous grades. They are learning to problem solve, organize and use time management skills to manage homework and their extra curricular activities. They become newly appointed buddies and role models to the youngest students in the school. Students learn the importance of online safety and the impact of their “digital footprint.” They are introduced to “google classroom” and develop basic skills in keyboarding, creating slides and google documents. They read three novels during the year, and develop their writing skills so that it is purposeful, meaningful and engaging. Students work collaboratively to create, challenge, present and share their knowledge in a variety of fun and interesting activities such as; a personal explorer journal, biome projects, STEM activities and an end of year Lemonade War! Opportunities for developing their talents and building healthy relationships allow these young students to develop confidence, communication skills and continued success in their learning.
La 5ème année française est celle de l’enthousiasme, de la curiosité et de l’indépendance. Les étudiants apprennent en travaillant sur leurs compétences académiques, sociales et émotionnelles.
Grade 5 is a great year where students are encouraged to develop their previous knowledge and discover in depth new concepts of the curriculum. They are required to work independently, with peers or in groups. As 5th grade students, they will explore different interesting topics in all areas to flourish and shine with their new learning at the end of the school year. In science, students will learn about the function of body systems, simple machines and their forces. In math, they will work on fractions, operations with larger numbers, patterns and measurements. At this level, students will study 4 novels throughout the year -2 in French and 2 in English. They will continue developing their writing skills in both French and English. Individual and group projects will be presented in the classroom based on the topic discussed in our socials program such as Canada’s economy, immigration and its diversity starting from the First Nations until now. Christian Education is an important part of our curriculum at school. In 5th grade students learn more about the church and our lives in Christ. Grade 5 students have the chance to participate in many extra curricular activities and teams such as volleyball, soccer, basketball etc. or develop further their artistic abilities by joining the school band or choir. They continue to build their critical and creative thinking, communicative and collaborative skills for a successful journey through grade 5 and into our senior years at Fatima.
Grade 5 is a wonderful year of growth and maturity as students move into the “senior” building on our school campus. We develop independence and prepare to be school leaders with more responsibility around the school and parish; one of our favourite jobs is delivering mail for the office. Highlights of our curriculum include fun chemistry experiments in the Fall and a detailed study of the human body as we all attend “Medical School” in the Spring! We read longer novels, work hard at editing much longer pieces of writing and dig deep into the Social Studies curriculum of social justice (and injustice) in our Canadian history. Grade 5 also includes many colourful and creative hands-on art activities, and has a strong Core Competency component as we are developing young people who need to be active participants in their own learning.
Bienvenue en 6ème année! As students enter the upper intermediate grades, the expectations and work pace are elevated to ensure they are on the correct path towards highschool. We focus on continuing to build their confidence with the French language but also their abilities to deal with real life situations as they mature. Grade 6F is a year of change both physically and mentally and much emphasis is put on being responsible and being role models for the younger grades. Some curriculum highlights include learning about the Salvation Story in religion, Newton’s Laws of Motion and a continued study of the body. Grade 6 is unique in which they will learn about the reproductive system in the spring, always with the lens of our Catholic values in place. Grade 6F also studies space science and normally visits the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre every Fall. Much emphasis is put on classroom discussions on current events and the impact they have on society and the world. On veut que nos élèves soient bien préparés pour devenir des membres intégrales de la société dans leurs vies!
Bienvenue en 6ème année! As students enter the upper intermediate grades, the expectations and work pace are elevated to ensure they are on the correct path towards highschool. We focus on continuing to build their confidence with the French language but also their abilities to deal with real life situations as they mature. Grade 6F is a year of change both physically and mentally and much emphasis is put on being responsible and being role models for the younger grades. Some curriculum highlights include learning about the Salvation Story in religion, Newton’s Laws of Motion and a continued study of the body. Grade 6 is unique in which they will learn about the reproductive system in the spring, always with the lens of our Catholic values in place. Grade 6F also studies space science and normally visits the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre every Fall. Much emphasis is put on classroom discussions on current events and the impact they have on society and the world. On veut que nos élèves soient bien préparés pour devenir des membres intégrales de la société dans leurs vies!
La 7eme année est une année scolaire pleine de plaisir et de nouvelles opportunités! C’est exigeant mais aussi très gratifiant pour nos élèves. As the final year of elementary school before students move on to middle school or high school, Grade 7 French offers a year full of exciting new experiences and privileges. Many of the students also prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is another exciting and significant milestone the students face this year. For some students, this may be their final year of French immersion schooling, therefore we have a greater focus on our French reading, writing, and speaking to encourage students to continue on in advanced French classes. In Grade 7F, the students are prepared for high school by engaging in many individual and collaborative projects across all subjects, and learn about important matters in current events and history, such as global warming and climate change, Truth and Reconciliation, digital citizenship, ancient civilizations, and other fascinating topics. We work to improve our critical thinking skills and our personal and social awareness so that our students are prepared to move on to their next school setting feeling confident and prepared. As they are the seniors of our school, we expect our students to take on leadership roles within the school and to seek out opportunities where they might have to take initiative and guide others. We encourage accountability, hard work, and collaboration, and when students put their best foot forward, Grade 7 promises to be a fulfilling and unforgettable final year at Fatima.
The grade seven year is a year that allows the students to grow and blossom! The year begins with outdoor education, an amazing three day field trip encompassing physical, academic, and spiritual activities. This is a memorable bonding experience that the students absolutely love. In grade seven the students will grow spiritually as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They will be involved in Spirit day, a Confirmation retreat, and other activities that will ignite in them a passion for the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. As the leaders of the school they will have more responsibilities to allow their leadership skills to shine. They will serve their school community as peer mediators, altar servers, and lunch buddies. This is an exciting year that will prepare them for high school.
The French as a Second Language program incorporates the AIM Language Learning method, which is a fun and engaging approach to learning a language. This system emphasizes development of oral language skills through extensive opportunities for spontaneous communication. We recognize where the students are and where we want them to go and take them there in a way that allows them to be successful. Through the years, students also develop written language skills through a series of scaffolded activities that allow for gradual release of responsibility. AIM’s area of focus is literacy, drama and music/rhythm/dance. We use an inductive approach to grammar. Through gestures, vocal expression and pauses, we highlight common pattern changes from masculine to feminine, singular to plural and verb conjugation. Students learn to read and pronounce complex French sounds right from the beginning of the program. We enjoy praying, singing, learning and playing together in French. Viens ici, tout le monde! La classe de français commence!
The Learning Resource department supports students with special needs by working in conjunction with parents to create an Individual Education Plan to set goals and objectives for these students. We also provide service to students who may need extra support in the areas of Core or Curricular Competencies provided by the Ministry of Education. Our team of Educational Assistants help support students within the classroom, provide 1:1 or small group pull-out support as well as supervise students outside during recess and help facilitate play groups either outside on the playground or through our Lunch Bunch program.