Grade 1 English

The grade one English program is foundational in teaching literacy and numeracy skills and processes. Students are exposed to a variety of lessons and activities that build phonological and phonemic awareness.  Students learn to manipulate language and begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together to read. Grade one uses mentor texts and good literature (circle stories, author studies, pattern books etc.) around the themes of belonging, apples, pumpkins, peace, Advent and Christmas, winter, love and friendship, Lent and Easter, plants and animals, fairy tales, and sea life.


The Profession of Faith:

  • Express how God loves and cares for us
  • Explain why God calls us to be good stewards of creation
  • Describe how our bodies are sacred gifts from God
  • Explain why God gives us talents
  • Define his/her relationship with Jesus

 Celebration of the Christian Mystery:

  • Define Baptism as a Sacrament of Initiation
  • Explain the significance of the signs and symbols of the Baptismal Rite
  • Explain why Catholics go to Mass
  • Identify the liturgical seasons and colours
  • Compare and contrast the importance of Advent and Lent in the life of a Catholic

 Life in Christ:

  • Describe how Mary is a role-model for Catholics
  • Explain how Jesus applied Matthew 22:35-39 to His mission
  • Apply scripture to daily life
  • Express how someone is a disciple of Jesus

Christian Prayer:

  • Describe prayer as a dialogue between God and his people
  • Identify the signs, symbols and holy objects which are associated with Christian prayer
  • Identify the sacred objects and spaces within the Church
  • Share family and Faith traditions
  • Describe prayer as a dialogue between God and his people
  • Identify the signs, symbols and holy objects which are associated with Christian prayer
  • Identify the sacred objects and spaces within the Church
  • Share family and Faith traditions
  • Recite the following prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Meal Grace, Glory Be, Sign of the Cross
  • Participate in the following: guided meditation, Stations of the cross, Rosary

Language Arts:

Oral Language:

  • Speaking and listening to recall and retell
  • Acquiring and expressing ideas and information
  • Accessing prior knowledge and organizing thinking
  • Using words correctly
  • Developing phonological awareness

Reading and Viewing:

  • Choosing and reading books
  • Developing word-decoding strategies
  • Making connections to texts
  • Identifying story elements

Writing and Representing:

  • Writing short passages (e.g. journal entries, lists, poems)
  • Using basic punctuation and simple sentence construction
  • Printing legible letters and words

Social Studies:

  • We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live
  • Our rights, roles, and responsibilities are important for building strong communities
  • Healthy communities recognize and respect the diversity of individuals and care for the local environment


  • Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment
  • Matter is useful because of its properties
  • Light and sound can be produced and their properties can be changed
  • Observable patterns and cycles occur in the local sky and landscape


  • Numbers to 20 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10s and 1s
  • Addition and subtraction with numbers to 10 can be modelled concretely, pictorially, and symbolically to develop computational fluency
  • Repeating elements in patters can be identifies
  • Objects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measures, and compared
  • Concrete graphs help us to compare and interpret data and show one-to-one correspondence


  • Singing (melodic scale, mass prep, fun songs with actions, dance game)
  • Rhythms (echo clapping, rhythm flashcards introduced in grade 1)
  • Dance (folkdance)