Grade 2 French
Grade two is a very special year of spiritual growth and understanding as the students prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion. It is a true blessing for us to guide and prepare them along the way. The Early French Immersion Program: helps students develop strong communication skills in both English and French, and expands cultural horizons.
The Profession of Faith:
- Collect visual evidence of the abundance of God’s creation
- Relate how the stories of Zaccheus and /or the Prodigal Son are examples of how God shows His love and mercy for us through His Son, Jesus
- Define, with examples, sin as a deliberate choice to do wrong
- Describe God’s forgiveness and our personal response to the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Identify God as Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Celebration of the Christian Mystery:
- Illustrate the connection between the story of the Last Supper as the institution of the Eucharist
- Identify the “real” presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
- Retell the story of Good Friday as the day Jesus suffered and died for us
- Retell that story of Easter Sunday as the day Jesus rose from the dead
- Relate the division of the liturgical year (Advent, Lent, Easter, Ordinary time, etc.) to the life of Jesus
- Identify the basic parts of the Mass i.e. Introductory, Penitential, Liturgy of the Word, Offertory, Liturgy of the Eucharist and Dismissal
- Identify the steps to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Life in Christ:
- Identify people in scripture and in present day situations who live their call to a Christian life
- Identify a talent given by God that can be shared
- Describe the importance of the examination of conscience in the sacrament of the Reconciliation
- Identify what “moral decision making” means
Christian Prayer:
- Express how adoration of the Blessed Sacrament builds our personal relationship with Jesus
- Explore how, as a member of the body of Christ, we pray in community
- Respond through prayer to personal and community needs
- Define the purpose of the Act of Contrition
- Identify how the Our father (“give us…our daily bread”) connects to Holy Communion
French Language Arts:
- Fluency in a language facilitates our interactions with others
- Awareness of other cultures helps us discover our own culture and build our own identity
- The task and its context determine the strategies of comprehension and expression that are chosen
- Fairy and folk tales share common characteristics that define the genre
- Organizing and connecting our ideas in a fashion helps others better understand our message
Social Studies:
- Local actions have global consequences, and global actions have local consequences
- Canada is made up of many diverse regions and communities
- Individuals have rights and responsibilities as global citizens
- Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment
- Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes
- Forces influences the motion of an object
- Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment
- Numbers to 100 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10s and 1s
- Development of computational fluency in addition and subtraction with numbers to 100 requires an understanding of place value
- The regular change in increasing patterns can be identifies and used to make generalizations
- Objects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared
- Concrete items can be represented, compared, and interpreted pictorially in graphs
- Singing (mass prep, fun songs with actions, dance game)
- Rhythms (rhythm flashcards, rhythm bingo)
- Dance (folkdance)