Grade 4 English
Grade Four students are eager, enthusiastic, and growing up! This year is their first year as intermediate students, with higher expectations for student behaviour, academics, and independence. We intend to provide a strong academic program that helps the children to be successful and confident learners. Students continue to develop their social, thinking and communication skills, as well as, build upon skills taught in the primary grades.
The Profession of Faith:
- Develop an understanding of the life of Jesus and His message of love using the parables
- Describe why Christ is the founder and head of the Church
- Interpret the Apostles’ Creed
- Summarize the characteristics of the early Christian community
- Examine the relevance of Jesus as Redeemer and Sanctifier
Celebration of the Christian Mystery:
- Explain the significance of the colours of the liturgical year
- Identify that Ordinary Time is the season to reflect on Jesus’ parables and miracles
- Relate the Sacraments of Initiation to a deeper relationship with Jesus
- Plan and participate in a major Marian Feast
- Reflect on what it means to have full, conscious and active participation in Mass
Life in Christ:
- Relate the Ten Commandments to their own personal life
- Relate the Beatitudes to their own personal life
- Illustrate the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes as relevant decision-making models
- Identify the essential elements of a Religious Vocation
- Demonstrate respect and appreciation for others’ gifts and talents, including the disabled
- Define Chasity emphasizing self-respect (modesty, self-control) and respect of others
- Critique media in the light of the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes
- Participate in age-appropriate responses to situations of oppressions
- Describe the role of early missionaries and their work with the First Nation peoples in establishing the Church in Canada
Christian Prayer:
- Explore the Catholic faith tradition as expressed by the First Nations community
- Locate and reflect on a given scripture passage
- Apply the four categories of prayer foundation in our Catholic tradition to their own spiritual life
- Identify basic elements of a prayer service
- Utilize the CISVA Liturgy Guidelines for writing Prayers of the Faithful for a class celebration
- Relate the mysteries of the Rosary to their lives
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary, Hail Holy Queen, Memorare, Peace Prayer
Language Arts:
Oral Language:
- Providing details and examples to enhance meaning
- Summarizing and synthesizing
- Comparing and analysing ideas
- Expressing ideas clearly and fluently
Reading and Viewing
- Choosing texts and defending text choices
- Making inferences and drawing conclusions during reading
- Reading strategically, depending on purpose
- Reading texts of different forms and genres
Writing and Representing:
- Writing in a variety of genres
- Writing to express and extend thinking
- Using criteria to revise and edit writing
- Using conventional grammar, spelling and punctuation
Social Studies:
- The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people, and communities of Canada
- Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans led to conflict and co-operation, which continue to shape Canada’s identity
- Demographic changes in North America created shifts in economic and political power
- British Columbia followed a unique path in becoming part of Canada
- All living things sense and respond to their environment
- Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase
- Energy can be transformed
- The motions of Earth and he moon cause observable patterns that affect living and non-living systems
- Fractions and decimals are types of numbers that can represent quantities
- Development of computational fluency and multiplicative thinking requires analysis of patterns and relations in multiplication and division
- Regular changes in patterns can be identifies and represented using tools and tables
- Polygons and closed shapes with similar attributes that can be described, measured, and compared
- Analyzing and interpreting experiments in data probability develops an understanding of chance
- Singing (mass prep, various songs)
- Rhythms (rhythm flashcards, rhythm bingo)
- Dance (folkdance)
- Classical music study
- Recorder (review – B, A, G, add E, F, two skill tests)