Grade 5 English

Grade 5 is a great time for continuing to develop good character traits, leadership skills and study habits. Students realize that they can achieve significantly through cooperative work with diverse groups of peers. Students are exposed to looking at the world around them and taking a closer look at the development of Canada.


The Profession of Faith:

  • Describe the Church as the community of God’s people guided by the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Identify the traits of Christian community as exemplified by the early Church
  • Describe the mass as the Paschal Mystery based on Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection
  • Provide reasons for being catholic
  • Recognize the basic Spiritual needs for individuals to grow in their faith
  • Demonstrate the concept of stewardship within the Church
  • Compare various denominations within the Christian world and recognize common beliefs in Jesus Christ

Celebration of the Christian Mystery:

  • Recognize the Sacraments as the primary expression of catholic life
  • Celebrate the feast days of significant Saints during the liturgical year and explain why they matter in the life of a Catholic
  • Describe the significance of liturgical vestments and sacramental in the Mass
  • Explain the importance of “full, active and conscious participation” in the Mass as described in the CISVA Liturgical Guidelines

Life in Christ:

  • Compare and contrast how priests, religious, married and single people respond to their call to holiness
  • Relate the life of Jesus to the vocation of the priest hood
  • Show why the life of a Saint is applicable today
  • Justify why a choice is moral or immoral, just or unjust
  • Identify ways in which media can positively or negatively influence the development of faith and morals
  • Relate how the charisms of the Christian community are for the service of the Church
  • Defend the statement that “Disabilities can bring blessings”
  • Demonstrate how the Church in Canada has been influenced by immigrant cultures
  • Reflect on the role they can play in the mission work of the Church

Christian Prayer:

  • Create a classroom prayer service using the basic elements
  • Meditate on how the Lord’s Passion, and Resurrection defines our Christian faith
  • Meditate on and apply relevant New Testament passages to daily life
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following prayers: Prayer for Vocations, Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Prayer for Reverence for Life

Language Arts:

Oral Language:

  • Sharing and explaining ideas and viewpoints
  • Interpreting the speaker’s message (verbal and nonverbal)
  • Considering audience when presenting
  • Recognizing literary devices

Reading and Viewing:

  • Making personal connections to texts
  • Comparing ideas and information in texts
  • Previewing texts and reading to locate information
  • Constructing meaning using genre and form

Writing and Representing:

  • Writing for a variety of audiences and purposes
  • Analysing thinking by expressing opinions and alternatives
  • Accessing and using multiple sources of information
  • Using variation in sentence construction

Social Studies:

  • Natural resources continue to shape the economy and identify of different regions of e
  • Immigration and multiculturalism continue to shape Canadian society and identity
  • Canadian institutions and government reflect the challenge of our reginal diversity


  • Multicellular organisms have organ systems that enable them to survive and interact within their environment
  • Solutions are homogeneous
  • Machines are devices that transfer force and energy
  • Earth materials change as they move through the rock cycle and can be used as natural resources


  • Numbers describe quantities that can be represented by equivalent fractions
  • Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with larger (multi-digit) numbers
  • Identified regularities in number patters can be expresses in tables
  • Closed shapes have area and perimeter that can be described, measured, and compared
  • Data represented in graphs can be used to show many-to-one correspondence


  • Singing (mass prep, various songs)
  • Rhythms (rhythm flashcards, rhythm bingo)
  • Dance (Canadian folkdance)
  • Various music studies
  • Instrument bingo
  • Recorder (review – B, A, G, E, F, add C, D, three skill tests)