Grade 7 English
Grade 7 is a very exciting year. The students have reached the end of their elementary years and they are the student leaders of the school. There are many responsibilities and expectations that come with being in Grade 7. During the Grade 7 year the students participate in some very exciting field trips including Outdoor Education at Loon Lake. Students will also prepare for their transition from elementary school to high school as this is a huge step in their lives. Throughout their grade 7 year students will be preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through this faith journey they will learn about the Holy Spirit’s role in their lives. Students will also be asked to complete mass journals and service hours as part of the requirement of the Confirmation program.
The Profession of Faith:
- Explain the eight beliefs of a Catholic using the Apostles’ Creed and compare them to the Nicene Creed
- Examine how Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection are the foundations of the Christian faith
- Examine Pentecost as a pivotal event in the establishment of the Catholic Church
- Identify the characteristics that make Mary a model for modern day discipleship
- Compare and contrast the Christian way of life in the early Church with the Church of today
- Formulate a personal profession of faith
- Describe sacraments as sacred encounters with Christ with helps them live the Catholic faith
- Recognize the Church as an institution and the Pope as the Vicar of Christ
Celebration of the Christian Mystery:
- Participate in the preparation for and celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
- Identify the sacramental, symbols and rituals of Confirmation
- Reflect on their experiences of sacramental, symbols and rituals in their preparation for and the reception of Confirmation
- Explain the rationale for regularly receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist
- Reflect on the connection between the First Reading and the Sunday Gospel and how it applies to their daily lives
- Compose intentions for class prayer and/or Mass
Life in Christ:
- Identify the missionary nature of the early Church as it proclaimed the Good news and apply it to contemporary life
- Examine how the saints lives their Baptismal call as Beatitude people
- Explore the role of compassion and forgiveness in daily living as exemplified by the Beatitudes
- Analyze situations in the world that demonstrate the consequences of ignoring the common good in relation to the Cardinal Virtues
- Provide examples of Gifts of the Holy Spirit in their own lives
- Reflect on won gifts and talents and those of their peers and explain how they are important in building God’s Kingdom
- Identify situations of discrimination and provide a Christian response
- Participate, through service opportunities, in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy as a response to the Gospel Call
- Explain the role of chastity in all Christian vocation and in their own lives
- Identify organization that protect and promote the Dignity of Human Life
Christian Prayer:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Scripture and prayer in daily life
- Lead class prayer
- Meditate in prayerful silence
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the following prayers: Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Prayer for Reverence for Life, Prayer for Vocations, Rosary, Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Language Arts:
Oral Language:
- Negotiating to achieve consensus
- Analysing and evaluating ideas
- Analysing perspectives and considering alternatives
- Incorporating nonverbal elements
- Using techniques and aids to facilitate audience understanding
Reading and Viewing:
- Reflecting on and responding to texts
- Analysing, comparing, and synthesizing ideas in texts
- Acknowledging and evaluating ideas and alternative viewpoints in texts
- Constructing and confirming meaning of texts, using types and features
Writing and Representing:
- Writing a variety of well-developed texts
- Writing to compare, analyse, generalize, and speculate
- Developing and applying criteria to improve writing
- Enhancing meaning and artistry in writing, using features and conventions of language
Social Studies:
- Geographic conditions shaped the emergence of civilizations
- Religious and cultural practices that emerged during this period have endured and continue to influence people
- Increasingly complex societies required ne systems of laws and government
- Economic specialization and trade networks can lead to conflict and co-operation between societies
- Evolution by natural selection provides and explanation for the diversity and survival of living things
- Elements consist of one type of atom, and compounds consist of atoms of different elements chemically combined
- The electromagnetic force produces both electricity and magnetism
- Earth and its climate have changed over geological time
- Mixed numbers and decimals represent quantities that can be decomposed into parts and wholes
- Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with whole numbers and decimals
- Linear relations can be identified and represented using expressions with variables and line graphs and can be used to form generalizations
- Properties of objects and shapes can be described, measured, and compared using volume, area, perimeter, and angles
- Data from the results of an experiment can be used to predict the theoretical probability of an event and to compare and interpret
- Singing (mass prep, various songs)
- Rhythms (rhythm flashcards, rhythm bingo)
- Dance (line dance)
- Various music studies
- Instrument bingo, Music listening bingo
- Recorder (review all notes, four skill tests, 3-part harmonies)