Grade Kindergarten French:

Welcome to a fun-filled year of firsts in Kindergarten. Kindergarten is filled with many new and exciting experiences.  Your child will be exposed to a variety of learning opportunities through play-based learning.  Our kindergarten program has long-term benefits for a child’s academic and social skills, it can help them succeed in school and life.  Starting in Kindergarten, the Early French Immersion Program is an alternative program that offers all students whose first language is not French the possibility of completing the prescribed B.C. curriculum and learning French at the same time.  The Early French Immersion Program helps students develop strong communication skills in both English and French, as well as expands their cultural horizons.


The Profession of Faith:

  • Express how God is our good and loving Father (Creator) as described in the creation story
  • Identify Jesus as the Son of God
  • Explain that Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension brings us new life here and in Heaven
  • Identify Mary as the Mother of God
  • Share what makes them special as a unique creation of God

Celebration of the Christian Mystery:

  • Recognize the church as God’s house
  • Describe Church as the family of God
  • Define Mass as a time when we gather as a community with the Priest to pray, and to receive Jesus
  • Connect Sunday (Lord’s Day) to the Resurrection of Jesus
  • Connect the liturgical season of Christmas to the birth of Jesus
  • Connect the liturgical season of Easter to the resurrection of Jesus

 Life in Christ:

  • Give examples of how they live Jesus’ New Commandment “Love one another as I have loved you”
  • Demonstrate how we serve and help others
  • Provide examples of how they say “yes” to God like Mary did
  • Explore how being a friend of Jesus transformed the lives of these people: Peter the Apostle, Mary Magdalene, Joseph-His father
  • Acknowledge the sacredness of the Bible as the Word of God
  • Share how the parables and miracles of Jesus reveal His Love for us as His friends

Christian Prayer:

  • Recite the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, and glory Be
  • Compose spontaneous prayers of Blessings and Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving and Praise as a way to communicate with Jesus

French Language Arts:

  • A new language is acquired by listening to and reproducing the models introduced by the teacher
  • Observing codes of politeness, knowing how to listen and letting others to speak are practices that facilitate communication and promote respect
  • Images convey meaning and facilitate the understanding of a text
  • Each letter has its own graphic representation and its own sound

Social Studies:

  • Our communities are diverse and made up of individuals who have a lot in common
  • Stories and traditions about ourselves and our families reflect who we are and where we are from
  • Rights, roles, and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others


  • of Jesus transformed the lives of these people: Peter the Apostle, Mary Magdalene, Joseph-His father
  • Acknowledge the sacredness of the Bible as the Word of God
  • Share how the parables and miracles of Jesus reveal His Love for us as His friends
  • Recite the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, and glory Be
  • Compose spontaneous prayers of Blessings and Adoration, Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving and Praise as a way to communicate with Jesus
  • I’m a Gift from God program
  • Plants and animals have observable features
  • Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials
  • The motion of objects depends on their properties
  • Daily and seasonal changes affect all living things


  • Numbers represent quantities that can be decomposed into smaller parts
  • One-to-one correspondence and a sense of 5 and 10 are essential for fluency with numbers
  • Repeating elements in patterns can be identifies
  • Objects have attributes that can be described, measures, and compared
  • Familiar events can be described as likely or unlikely and compared



  • Singing (melodic scale, mass prep, fun songs with actions, dance game)
  • Rhythms (echo clapping)
  • Dance (folkdance)