Parish Education Committee (PEC)

Our Lady of Fatima PEC is a parish organization comprised of elected and appointed members. Its mandate is to assure proper functioning of the school in all respects. The PEC, within the guidelines set by the Archdiocese, makes major policy and administrative decisions and works for the benefit of the students, parents, parish, staff, and community. It is responsible to CISVA.

There are seven members in the PEC, five members are elected, and the Pastor appoints two. The Pastor is an ex-officio member of this and all committees while the Principal acts in an advisory capacity. At Our Lady of Fatima, the PEC members fulfill the following roles: Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, PPH coordinator and two Maintenance coordinators.

The PEC meets each month and minutes are posted each month on the school website. This committee is responsible for the staffing of the school, managing the finances of the school and for setting school policy.

The PEC welcomes guests to PEC meetings (excluding in-camera sessions) and requires all guests to notify by email to the PEC Chairperson ( and Secretary ( seven days before the meeting.

Meeting dates and times can be found on the school calendar.

For more information about the roles, responsibilities and expectation of the PEC members, please refer to the Parent Handbook.

For access to monthly PEC minutes click here.

The current PEC members are:


Chairperson Rita Marchioro
Vice Chairperson Tami Comuzzi
Treasurer Roceleen Rivera
Secretary Rosette D’souza
PPH Carmela Sutcliffe
Fundraising Carlos Gerardo
Maintenance Raul Urrutia


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