
Admission Steps


Student applications must be submitted to the school office. Please read and familiarize yourselves with the Parent Handbook listed under Parent Information on the home page of the school website. 

Family Interview 

Parents/Guardians and their child(ren) are required to meet with the Principal, Pastor and at times the appropriate teacher for an informational meeting. This meeting will be scheduled by the school office as applications are reviewed


A registration package will be distributed to applicants once applications have been approved. Please return completed registration forms and applicable fees to Our Lady of Fatima school by the due dates


Priorities for admission shall be: 

Children presently enrolled in the school if they and their families meet the expectations of the school. 

  1. Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics, active in the parish. 
  2. Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in the parish. 
  3. Siblings of children already in the school, whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. 
  4. Children whose families are practicing Catholics coming into the parish, who have been attending school elsewhere. 
  5. Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes. 
  6. Children whose families are either not practicing Catholics or not active in their parishes. 
  7. Non-Catholics. Enrolment of more than 15% non-Catholics in any grade requires the approval of the Board of Directors. Once accepted into the school, non-Catholics need meet only the criteria expected of other students to be readmitted in subsequent years. Siblings of non-Catholics cannot be given priority over Catholics. 

 Application form OLF – APPLICATION FORM

 Kindergarten – September 2025 Intake will commence December 10, 2024 and will be ongoing till all spots are filled.

Tuition Fees

OLF – TUITION FEES 2025-2026

OLF – TUITION FEES 2024-2025



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